verbal and non verbal communication 内部沟通与外部沟通 verbal and non-verbal communication 言辞与非言辞的沟通 a grim struggle 严峻的斗争 .
verbal and non-verbal communication 语言和非语言的交流 ; 言辞与非言辞的沟通
Most people experience tension specifically in the tongue, jaw, face, neck, or shoulders and are normally unaware of how much that consistent stress impacts their verbal and non-verbal communication.
大部分人都曾经体验过紧张特别是在舌头,下巴,脸部,脖子或肩膀的部分。 而且通常没有察觉持续不断的压力会影响他们的语言和非语言沟通。
There are two ways of communication, that is, verbal means and non-verbal means.
Family communication is the way verbal and non-verbal information is exchanged between family members (Epstein et al., 1993).