verbal behavior function 言语行为功能
non verbal behavior factors 非言语因素
identification of non-verbal behavior 非语言行为识别
verbal communicative behavior 语言交际行为
non-verbal communicative behavior 非语言交际行为
direct verbal communication behavior 直接言语交际行为
Magee: And that would include verbal behavior.
Aggression is personal or verbal behavior in order to hurt others.
Otherwise, they are often masters of controlling their non-verbal behavior.
And the excerpt you're going to read is from his "Review of Verbal Behavior."
Skinner, in his book Verbal Behavior, talks about the question of why do we do things like talk to ourselves, imitate sounds, create art, give bad news to an enemy, fantasize about pleasant situations?
Well, there's a radical claim about the origin of language associated with the guy who we met when we talked about behaviorism who wrote A Review of Verbal Behavior, the linguist Noam Chomsky.