... Verbal Association Learning 语文联想学习 Verbal Learning 语文学习 Vicarious Learning 替代学习 ...
Non-verbal Learning Disorder 学习障碍 ; 提出的非语言学习障碍 ; 非语言学习障碍
meaningful verbal learning 有意义言语学习
rote memorization of verbal learning 机械记忆式语文学习
Verbal learning disorder 言语型学习障碍
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised 霍普金斯词汇学习测验 ; 修订版
verbal learning disabilities 碍归为言语型学习障碍 ; 言语型学习障碍
California Verbal learning Test 与言语学习测验
verbal learning disabili-ty 言语型学习障碍
Auditory Verbal Learning Test 听觉词语学习测验
Usually they start by giving a survey to figure out what style a student favors, like visual or verbal learning.
Associative learning theory has been used in studies of memory, learning, and verbal learning.
In addition, pre-readers were more disadvantageous than novice readers in the verbal learning of bot…