... RACHEL(希伯来文)母羊的意思,RACHEL被描绘为美丽,娇小的黑发女性,一个聪慧能筑梦踏实的女性。 Veronica 维拉妮卡 Audrey 奥德莉 法国 崇高显赫的人。 ...
Veronica Mars 美眉校探 ; 校园私探 ; 校探
Veronica Yip 叶玉卿 ; 主演
Veronica persica 阿拉伯婆婆纳 ; 婆婆纳
Veronica Lee 李端娴
Veronica Mudd 刘敏仪 ; 邓宁
Veronica polita 婆婆纳
Veronica peregrina 蚊母草 ; 接骨仙桃草 ; 接骨仙桃草粉末 ; 毛虫婆婆纳
Veronica spicata 穗花婆婆纳 ; 穗状婆婆纳
Veronica ciliata 长果婆婆纳
N any scrophulariaceous plant of the genus Veronica, esp the speedwells, of temperate and cold regions, having small blue, pink, or white flowers and flattened notched fruits 婆婆纳属植物
N the representation of the face of Christ that, according to legend, was miraculously imprinted upon the headcloth that Saint Veronica offered him on his way to his crucifixion 印有耶稣圣容的布画 [RC Church]
N a pass in which the matador slowly swings the cape away from the charging bull 斗牛士舞动斗篷的引牛动作 [bullfighting]