垂直筛板(Vertical Sieve Tray ) 在塔板上开按一定排列的若干大孔(直径100~200mm),孔上设置侧壁开有许多筛孔的泡罩,泡罩底边留有间隙供液体进入罩内.
vertical sieve-tray tower 垂直筛板塔
new vertical sieve tray 新型垂直筛板
vertical sieve tray column 立式筛板塔
rectangular vertical sieve-tray 矩形垂直筛板
rectangular vertical sieve tray 矩形垂直筛板
new vertical sieve tray tower 新型垂直筛板塔
new vertical sieve-tray column 新型垂直筛板塔
The thesis studies the structure and property of new vertical sieve tray's cap combining it's scientific researching production according to the developing state of today's column of tray .
参考来源 - 新型垂直筛板塔结构改进及性能研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The principle, experimental results, and application of the New Vertical Sieve Tray are presented.
This paper summaries the fluid mechanics property and the research of mass transferred property, the advanced progress of the New VST (New Vertical Sieve tray Tower) in our country is also expounded.