...车辆很少;住的也不好;每天吃不饱;联系方式非常简单 » Living conditions are very difficult; we narrow roads; very few vehicles; living in a day; not enough to eat; contact us very simple 他认为他自己可以完成 » He considered himself to be completed...
...少;住的也不好;每天吃不饱;联系方式非常简单 » Living conditions are very difficult; we narrow roads; very few vehicles; living in a day; not enough to eat; contact us very simple 他认为他自己可以完成 » He considered himself to be completed...
...少;住的也不好;每天吃不饱;联系方式非常简单 » Living conditions are very difficult; we narrow roads; very few vehicles; living in a day; not enough to eat; contact us very simple 他认为他自己可以完成 » He considered himself to be completed...
...我们道路狭窄;车辆很少;住的也不好;每天吃不饱;联系方式非常简单 » Living conditions are very difficult; we narrow roads; very few vehicles; living in a day; not enough to eat; contact us very simple 他认为他自己可以完成 » He considered himself to be completed...
There were very few vehicles on the country roads at that time of the morning and Sam knew how to get to the market very well.
Sure, in the past electric vehicles have their problems, namely, a limited driving range, and very few recharging points, which limited their use.
In addition, very few of them buy boats, recreational vehicles, second homes, personal airplanes or invest in expensive vacations.