...中大网校论文网 关键词: 建造中船舶;抵押权;所有权认定;法律适用;效力范围 [gap=924]Key words Vessels under construction;Mortgage;Ascertaining of ownership;Application of law;Effective scope ..
But Chinese legislation on registry system of real rights in vessels under construction is too lagged to meet the needs of the practice.
参考来源 - 建造中船舶登记法律问题研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The Bank introduced collateral guarantee business for vessels under construction, and initiated syndication credit extension plan.
To compare the Convention relating to Registration of Rights in respect of Vessels under Construction 1967 and its Stockholm draft can provide some helpful inspiration towards our related legislation.
Maersk Line, the biggest container-shipping company, is planning more vessels at least as big as its flagship, and CMA CGM, a French company, has eight under construction.
马士基航运公司是全球最大的集装箱运输公司,计划购入更多至少与其旗舰吨位相当的巨轮。 达飞航运(CMA CGM)来自法国,订购的八艘货轮也在建造中。