vice general manager of sales
... Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁 vice general manager of sales 销售副总经理 overseas sales assistant supervisor 海外销售副主管 ...
vice general manager of sales
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Brilliance Auto Group Vice President he Guohua and General Manager of Brilliance Jinbei International Sales Company Shan Long, etc. attended this activity together.
"We are excited to enable iPhone4 users to transform their phones into a powerful, motion-sensing peripheral to create poetry in motion for more effective communications and more immersive entertainment experiences, " said Bryan Hoadley, Executive Vice President of worldwide sales and General Manager of Movea, Inc.
ENGADGET: Movea turns your iPod touch or iPhone into an Air Mouse for just $2
"We are very pleased to continue our successful relationship with Netflix, " said Frances Manfredi, executive vice president and general sales manager of cable and non-theatrical sales for NBC Universal Domestic TV Distribution, who forged the deal.
ENGADGET: Netflix, NBC Universal content deal brings Battlestar Galactica, SNL and more to Watch Instantly
"With 30 waterproof phones introduced globally since 2008, Kyocera has unparalleled expertise in designing devices to survive the elements, " said Eric Anderson, senior vice president and general manager of global sales and marketing at Kyocera Communications Inc.
ENGADGET: Kyocera Hydro Xtrm and Hydro Edge hands-on Mobile