... video signal generator 视频信号发生器 ; 视频讯号产生器 Video Timing Generator 发生器 Video Character Generator 视频字符发生器 ...
精密量;测灰阶反应时间需要洽当的视频讯号产生器(Video Signal Generator)和量;测仪器. 而此测试工作亦需要完备的量;测技术及软体來;完成自动化成仪器控制.
composite video signal generator 复合视频信号发生器
video graphic signal generator 视频图像信号发生器
video frequency signal generator 视频信号发生器
video frequency pattern signal generator 视频图像信号发生器
video test signal generator 视频测试信号发生器
This paper introduces the idea of designing video synchronous signal generator by CPLD, demonstrates the techniques of programming with AHDL, and discusses some related problems.
Through the example of video synchronous signal generator the design process of system on chip is particularly described. Moreover the optimization of system and VHDL programming skill is discussed.
The video signal model for synthetic aperture radar(SAR) is set up, and a method to generate echo signals for SAR using AWG520 arbitrary waveform generator is presented.