...的菜单中选中 在右键单击出现的菜单中选中 在右键单击出现的菜单中选中 在右键单击出现的菜单中选中显示为图标 (view as icon)以改变接线端的查看类型 以改变接线端的查看类型 以改变接线端的查看类型 以改变接线端的查看类型 22 NOTE4 幻灯片 幻灯片 幻灯片...
The portlet project, as shown in the project Explorer view, contains an icon representing the portlet deployment descriptor.
We define icon/kulvir.gif as the icon that represents our view action. The kulvir.gif
将 icon/kulvir.gif 定义为表示视图操作的图标。
Now, in the Package Explorer view shown in figure 7, the original project is decorated with a new icon, which identifies this project as a Client Service project.
现在,在图7所示的Package Explorer视图中,原始项目有了一个新图标,它标识此项目是一个Client Service Project。