... View File in Editor 在编辑器中查看文件 File Open Editor 打开编辑器 File System Editor 文件系统编辑器 ; 文件系统编纂器 ...
In the freshly created file, the default process editor tree view is displayed.
Open the WSDL file with the WSDL Editor in the source view, and check for the operation associated with your process input message or variable.
使用 WSDL 编辑器在源视图中打开 WSDL 文件,并检查与您的流程输入消息或变量关联的操作。
To try this out, type the above into a text editor and save the file as "test.html", then view the file in a web browser.
要试验它,可以在文本编辑器里面输入上面的代码并保存文件为“test . html”,然后在一个浏览器中查看这个文件。