viral capsid antigen 壳抗原 ; 抗原 ; 病毒壳体抗原 ; 病毒衣壳抗原
viral capsid antigens 出现抗病毒壳抗原 ; 抗病毒壳抗原 ; 病毒壳抗原
viral capsid protein 病毒壳体蛋白
anti-viral capsid antigen antibody 抗病毒衣壳抗原的抗体 ; 抗簿衣壳抗原的抗体
VCA Viral capsid antigen 病毒衣壳抗原
viral capsid polypeptide 病毒外壳蛋白
viral capsid antigen S IgA 壳抗原抗体
viral capsid antigen S IsA 病毒壳抗原抗体
Capsomere got its name by being kernel-like, the viral capsid of which consists of nucleoprotein.
They comprise the viral capsid named P1. The non-replicating DNA vaccine, encoding P1 and the processing (3c) proteinase, was reported to produce detectable antiviral immune response.
It refers to the release of the viral genome from its protective capsid to enable the nucleic acid to be transported within the cell and transcribed to form new progeny virions.