浅析我国的探望权制度[论文写作发表网] 关键词:探望权;探望权中止;措施 [gap=777]Key words: Visitation right; visitation right to suspend; measures
visitation right to suspend 探望权中止
On Visitation Right 浅析探望权
visitation right system 探望权制度
A Study of Visitation Right 探视权问题研究
visitation right dispute judgement 探望权纠纷审理
execution of the visitation right 探望权执行
The amendment of marriage law in 2001 has definitely stipulated the system of visitation right,which furthers perfectly the marriage law.
参考来源 - 探望权制度中的执行问题visitation right is a new right, which granted by the amendatory marriage law. And the legal name "visitation right" is more rational.
参考来源 - 我国探视权问题要论·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The first part is about the nature and content of visitation right.
In the amendment of marriage law is established the system of visitation right, with makes up a gap in the marriage law.
In the legal provisions, visitation right is parent's right when not acquiring direct fostering right after their divorce.