内容摘要:法国巴黎传媒巨头公司威望迪环球(Vivendi Universal)的子公司SFR周一表示,他们将努力实现在2006年度新增加150万订阅客户,这些用户将享受高速因特网移动电话服务。
Vivendi Universal Games 斐凡迪环球游戏 ; 斐凡迪国际游戏 ; 迪环球游戏公司
Vivendi Universal Entertainment 迪环球娱乐公司 ; 维旺迪环球娱乐 ; 迪环球娱乐集团
Vivendi Universal SA 威旺迪环球 ; 威旺迪环球公司 ; 维旺迪环球
Vivendi Universal Game 暴雪母公司维旺迪环球游戏
vivendi universal education france 维文第普世教育出版社编辑群
Vivendi-Universal Corporation 维旺迪环球公司
Selling its stake in NBC Universal, Vivendi hopes, will silence such criticisms and provide ammunition for acquisitions.
Regulators will probably allow Comcast, an American cable company, to buy NBC Universal, a film and television outfit currently owned by General Electric and Vivendi, two industrial giants.
监管机构非常可能允许美国有线电视公司Corncast收购NBC Universal(一家电影电视公司,现属于两大工业巨头通用和维旺迪)。
The largest, Universal, is 100%owned by Vivendi, a French company. EMI is a British company, and Sony BMG is50% owned by Bertelsmann, a German company.