...骁龙652处理器,4G运存和128G存储空间,5.43英寸2K屏(2 小米5, 小米 5 刷机包 rom 小米系统机型 vivo xplay vivo xplay (移动版)特价促销 vivo xplay 5旗舰版配置 而此次vivo xplay 3s的分数要略高于 小米 3的 vivo x 3l 刷机包 vivo xplay 锁屏和小屏幕模式异...
Launched by BBK spin-off Vivo in Beijing just now, this 5.7-inch Xplay takes one step further from its smaller X1 and X1S cousins by packing one extra audio chip, the OPA2604 op amp from Texas Instruments, in order to add extra oomph to Cirrus Logic's CS4398 DAC and CS8422 stereo asynchronous sample-rate converter -- both of which are featured on the X1 series.