... vector volt-ampere 矢量伏安 volt-ampere characteristic 电压电流特性 normalized volt-ampere 正规化伏安 ...
... 抱负电流源 ideal current source 伏安特征 volt-ampere characteristic 电动势 electromotive force ...
volt-ampere characteristic test 伏安特性试验
falling volt-ampere characteristic 下降伏安特性
ac volt-ampere characteristic 交流伏安特性
fall volt-ampere characteristic 缓降外特性
fall volt ampere characteristic 下降外特性
Static Volt-ampere Characteristic 静态伏安特性
Secondly, volt-ampere characteristic is measured. Comparing the discharge current and voltage waveform at low and atmospheric pressure, It demonstrates that the stable, homogeneous APGDP has been established.
参考来源 - 丙纶织物的常压辉光放电等离子体表面改性·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The volt-ampere characteristic property with photodiode and photosensitive audion is the basis designing an experiment's.
The evaluating method of sputtering cleanout effect on metal target surface by volt-ampere characteristic of target cathode has been given, which provides effective approach to eliminate...
The new method turned the volt-ampere characteristic equation of transmission lines into an integral form, then used least square method to solve the equations and got the zero-sequence parameters.