Giacomin 以及 Hade研究此问题的解析解,并发现公模仁挠曲程度是由一个无因次化的体积流率(volumetric flow rate)来决定,他们称之为公模仁挠曲度(core deflectability)。无因次化后的公模仁偏移量Y 以及挠曲度的关系式如下:
... volumetric expansion体积膨胀 volumetric flow rate体积临 volumetric flowmeter体积式量计 ...
18 1.5 流体流动的基本方程 一、流量与流速 质量流量(mass flow rate )是 : 体积流量(volumetric flow rate)是 : 流速(velocity )是 : 每球质量1g,球直径1cm,截面圆形。
fuel volumetric flow rate 燃料容积流率
volumetric flow rate of air 气体体积流量
critical volumetric flow rate 临界排烟量
constant volumetric flow rate 恒体积流速
dimensionless volumetric flow rate 无因次体积流率
Automatic Volumetric Flow Rate Reduction 流量自动减少控制系统
volumetric blood flow rate 容积的血流率 ; 其测量容积的血流率
volumetric rate of flow 体积流速 ; 容积流速
flow rate volumetric 体积流率
以上来源于: WordNet
This method of rectification is to be applied in the case of "constant volumetric flow rate" method of testing.
The measurement of volumetric flow rate will be errors when the parameters of the temperature and pressure change unceasingly.
Air has a low density and great compressibility. The volumetric flow rate of air in air drilling varies with pressure and temperature, which in turn, change with WLL depth.