...,以营业合同的形式,授予加盟店在规定区域内的经销权和营业权。加盟店则交纳一定的营业权使用费,承担规定的义务。 三是自由连锁(Voluntary Chain,简称VC),自由连锁的原意是自发性连锁或任意性连锁,实际上是一种横向发展的合约系统。
... 直营连锁(正轨连锁) company-owned chain 自在连锁(自愿连锁) voluntary chain 特许连锁(条约连锁、加盟连锁) franchising ...
Voluntary Chain-stores 自愿连锁店 ; 志愿连锁店
Wholesaler-Sponsored Voluntary Chain 自愿连锁系统
Wholesale-Sponsored Voluntary Chain 批发商发起的自愿连锁
voluntary-chain 自愿连锁
voluntary chain group 自愿连锁集团
voluntary chain store 自愿连锁店
Voluntary chain stores 自愿连续店
voluntary chain operation 自愿连锁经营
Since the 1850’s, the chain operations have gone through more than 150 years. In most countries, there are three forms which are called regular chain, franchise chain and voluntary chain.
参考来源 - 三种连锁经营发育的比较分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
At the same time, CWDSS Data communication System deals with possible communication collision because of communication chain capacity overloading by voluntary time interval reusing.
Carriers who transport goods destined for the United States must apply by returning a Voluntary Agreement and a Supply Chain Security Profile Questionnaire to Customs.
This implies that voluntary adherence eventually becomes a standard practice and a necessary requirement if an entity wants to stay in business as part of the international trade supply chain.