田纳西州(Tennessee)因市民的英勇而得名“志愿者州(Volunteer State)”。他们在1812年抵抗英军战斗中,志愿加入田纳西人安德鲁·杰克逊(Andrew Jackson)的队伍,进行保卫新奥尔良的战斗。
Tennessee got its nickname — the Volunteer State — because of the bravery of its citizens.
In fact, at the Gray Fossil Site, bones from a saber-toothed cat, camel, elephant and rhinoceros indicate these animals lived in the Volunteer State more than 4 million years ago.
事实上,灰化石遗址(Gray Fossil Site)里犬齿猫科动物、骆驼、大象和犀牛的骨头表明这些动物生活于400多万年前的志愿者州(Volunteer State,即田纳西州)。
Students join a team through their schools, which provide a volunteer coach and pay a nominal fee to send students to regional and state competitions.