Waist-to-hip ratio 腰臀比 ; 腰到臀比例 ; 腰臀比值
Waist to hip ratio 腰臀比 ; 腰围和腰臀比
waist-to-hip 腰臀比
Waist-to-Hip Radio 腰臀围比值
waist to hip measurement ratio 腰臀围比值
waist to top hip 上裆长 ; 上裆的长度
The ideal waist to hip ratio for a woman is 0.8 - meaning her waist measurement is 80 per cent that of her hips.
The 13 gene sets associated with "apples and pears" only account for about one percent of the variety in waist-to-hip ratios among the population.
“We don’t know how waist-to-hip ratio represents ‘overall’ attractiveness, only that studies have found it to be related to judgments of female attractiveness, ” Plaut said.
“我们不清楚腰臀比与‘完美女人’之间是何关系,这项研究仅发现腰臀比与女性身体的吸引力有关。” 普劳特说。