Waiter & Waitress 服务员 ; 餐厅部员工
Senior Waiter & Waitress 高级服务员
Waiter waitress 服务员 ; 餐饮服务员 ; 餐厅服务员 ; 会所餐饮部厅面服务员
Japanese Restaurant Waiter Waitress 日餐厅服务员
italia restaurant waiter waitress 意大利餐厅服务员
Speaking as a Waiter Waitress 侍者表达
Waiter&Waitress 服务员
outlets waiter waitress 各餐厅服务员
Give a compliment about a waiter, waitress, sales clerk, etc. to his or her manager.
If you were an excellent waiter or waitress in your past or present, then skip this one.
You even ask the waiter or waitress to try again or use a different card. However, it's the same result.