... 我永远地等待你 I'm holding on forever 我将永远为你等待 I'll wait forever for you 等待永远 Waiting For Forever ...
Waiting for you forever 永远等着你 ; 永远等待着你 ; 在等待你永远
Li Waiting for you forever 李在等你永远 ; 李永远等你 ; 李公屋轮候你一辈子
Me forever waiting for you 我会永远等着你
Once she looked at them while they were all waiting for the car and she saw she would always and forever know them and be known by them.
Are you ever annoyed by POTS that take forever to heat up, or frustrated by waiting for dry foods to soften?
The loop subroutine then loops forever, waiting for a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request and then answering with the data needed.
loop子例程无限循环,等待一个Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)请求,然后用所需数据进行回答。