... reversal: 反向;反相,相反,反转,改变极性;反转现象;反转 waiver: 放弃;豁免;免除,放弃;宽免 categorical: 绝对的;分类的;属性;变量 ...
Tuition-Waiver 全免学费 ; 学费减免 ; 膏火减免 ; 减免学杂费的奖学金
Visa Waiver Program 签证计划 ; 免签计划 ; 免签证打算
Tuition & Fee Waiver 全免学杂费 ; 学费全免或部分减免 ; 减免学费 ; 学费减免
waiver fee 豁免限制费用 ; 豁免费 ; 豁免费用
blanket waiver 全面豁免 ; 一般豁免
waiver of loan 免除还款
car park waiver 停车场暂准豁免书
waiver of fees 宽免费用
The Legal Regulation for the Lack of Honesty of Insurance Contract Party is limited to disclosure duty and to demonstrative obligation, however, warranty、waiver and estoppels are not involved.
参考来源 - 保险合同当事人诚信缺失的法律规制研究(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-COUNT A waiver is when a person, government, or organization agrees to give up a right or says that people do not have to obey a particular rule or law. 弃权者
...a waiver of constitutional rights.
"We just need a waiver," Verlaine said.
She picked up the waiver and scanned it.
This waiver was extended in the WTO to end 2006.
"How he was able to get on in Nigeria, what happened in Amsterdam, which is a visa waiver country, how he was able to get through and make it this far with the devices he had, these are all issues that have to be resolved."
VOA: standard.2009.12.26
We have this one parting gift-- just a little legal waiver for the cameras if you would.