水利工程专业词汇英语翻译W-1-SCIdict学术... ... 隔墙 Wall, splitter 趾墙 Wall, toe 导墙,顺坝,顺堤 Wall, training ...
toe wall [水利] 坝趾墙 ; [建] 坡脚墙
front wall toe block 前脸墙趾砧
slope toe wall 坡脚墙 ; 坡脚
toe of wall 墙脚
toe wall planter 在斜坡护面的墙脚栽种植物
toe of retaining wall 挡土墙墙趾
abutment toe wall 岸墩背水面底部加围墙
high toe wall 高趾墙
high-toe wall 高趾墙
Maxwell shoved his chair against the wall and transacted business after the manner of a 25 toe dancer. He jumped from ticker to phone, from desk to door with the trained 26 agility of a 27 harlequin.
He mounted the stairs on tip-toe and glided along the wall of the corridor to his chamber.
I gingerly to stand up and embracing the wall, watching, the walk toe, carefully slip up.