...去照样留,都要明了的表达出来,再这么口不碰心,或许说的含含糊糊,模棱两可(Ambiguous),让其他球队不晓畅你有想走(Want to go)的意义,失败的经验不必信,成功的经验也不能复制。黑暗无论多么深沉,光明迟早还是要到来的。
想去哪 » Want to go 但是你白天需要工作,晚上一定很累,我还没有开学,我很有精神的 » But you need to work during the day, it must be very tire...
...我会大声说我很自恋 » I would say that I love myself 想上 » Want to go 我们是专业生产汽车盘式刹车制动衬垫的厂家 » We are specialized in the production of automobile disc brake-brake pads manu...
I want to go home 我想回家 ; 我要回家 ; 我想回家了 ; 我要回家了
want to go out 想要出去 ; 想出去
I don't want to go 我不想去 ; 我不想走 ; 我不想要去 ; 我不想再继续下去
Want to go home 想回家 ; 要回家啦 ; 非常想回家 ; 带爱回家
want to go to sleep 想去睡觉
I want to go there 我非常想去那里 ; 我想去那里 ; 我要去那里 ; 我想再去那里
Want to go back 想要回到过去 ; 想要回去
I just want to go 我只想要去 ; 我只是想走 ; 我只想去
Why do you want to go so badly?
Where you want to go, Señorita?
Do you want to go to your gran's?
When Jeff walked into the room she was crying,like a child who did not want to go to school.
VOA: special.2010.04.24
So, if you want to go at 1:00, you're welcome to do so, but please arrange it with my assistants.
and you sort of just decide if you want to go into litigation, which is the trial and court practice