Great Little War Game 小小大战争 ; 小小的战争 ; 小小战争 ; 小小大战
Great Big War Game 大大大战争 ; 大大战争 ; 伟大战争 ; 伟大的战争
war game [军] 军事演习 ; 作战演习 ; 攻略游戏
Great Little War Game HD 小小战争HD ; 小小战争高清版 ; 小小大战争 ; 小小的战争
Epic Little War Game 史诗小战争
Territory War Game 火柴人开战游戏
Great Little War Game 2 小小大战争
simulation war game 模拟战略对策
Sniper Shooting War Game 陆军沙漠战
Ultimate War Game 终极战争
The training programme, mostly undertaken by special forces who may need to operate behind enemy lines, involves a brutal war game that is almost as stressful as real combat.
While the number of actual territories are reduced from the number that would be crammed into the same geographical area in another Total War game, that's a dizzying amount of space to consider.
But for the West to abstain from the cold-war game appears to be the only way, over time, to win it.