有趣的经济学英语名词商贸常用英语词汇 ... turtle blood龟血:流动性很底,不可能很快升值的证券。 war babies战争宝宝:以为美国国防部制造产品为业务的公司的证券。 white elephant白象:需要高额成本维护而实际上无利可图的资产或损失已成定局的资产。 ...
...战虽然给出墙的红杏们提供一个倾城之恋的背景,让时代少女染上“卡其军装热”(Khaki Fever),制造出许多战争婴儿(War Babies),毕竟她们跳出墙刚落地,发现自己坐在电影院。
war babies detail 战争婴儿
N a child born in wartime, esp the illegitimate child of a soldier 战时儿童; 战争时出生的儿童,尤指士兵的私生子女
Babies who were in the uterus during the 1944 Dutch famine of World War II did worse on mental tests than those of similar ages even 60 years later.
Charles DE Gaulle summoned him in 1945, after giving him the Croix DE Guerre for a brave, clandestine war, to have an appreciative word; abbe Pierre lectured him on the lack of milk for babies.
1945年,查尔斯·戴高乐(Charles de Gaulle)因为他在战争中秘密而英勇的抗战而授予他法国十字勋章,并暗示他发表一篇感激之辞;然而阿贝·皮埃尔却发表演讲谴责他没有为婴儿提供充足的牛奶。
Compared to names chosen for babies 10 years earlier, there was a resurgence in the popularity of names which were once associated with people of the inter-war generation.