Chinesisch - Deutsch Wört... ... 不论 不论 = ungeachtet dessen, ob (u.E.) 不论好坏 不论好坏 = was auch immer geschieht (u.E.) 不谅解 不谅解 = ohne zu verstehen (u.E.) ...
The road was shiny with puddles, but the rain was at an end.
When the meeting was at an end, they all rose to their feet and left.
All anxiety was at an end, and they lived together in perfect happiness.
At the end of the test flight,the speed of the Apollo spacecraft was increased to forty thousand kilometers an hour.
VOA: special.2009.07.08
What we think of as the golden age of Greece was virtually at an end during the lifetime of Aristotle.
We heard an objection that said what they did was categorically wrong, like here at the end, categorically wrong, murder is murder, it's always wrong even if it increases the overall happiness of society, a categorical objection.