waste treatment [环境] 废物处理 ; 治污 ; 废弃处理 ; 废料处理
aerobic waste treatment 需氧废物处理
biological waste treatment 废物生物处理 ; 生物学法废物处理 ; [环境] 生物废物处理
Waste Treatment & Disposal 废弃物处理系统工程
advanced waste treatment 废水深度处理 ; 先进污水处理 ; 深度废水处理
solid waste treatment 固体废弃物处理 ; 固体废物处理及处置 ; 处理 ; 固废处理
waste treatment Water 废料处理水
waste treatment plant 废物处理装置
rated waste treatment capacity 额定垃圾处理量
chemical waste treatment centre 化学废物处理中心
We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with little or no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason.
"Sewage sludge" means sludge arising from urban effluent treatment plant and includes pretreatment waste, scourings and unstabilised sludge.
At rural or local level slaughtering is often either carried out under a tree or in deteriorated and outdated slaughter units without any waste treatment facilities.