... water-free fuel;无水燃油 water-to-air system;水-气系统 water/antifreeze mixture;水/防冻剂混合物 ...
Toilets will use flowing air instead of water to move waste through the system.
So, just as the Internet is a "network of networks", GEONETCast aims to be a "system of systems" that includes data on agriculture, forestry, air and water quality, and ocean conditions.
因此,就像因特网是一种“网络的网络”一样,GEONET Cast也力图成为一种涵盖农业、林业、空气质量与水质、海洋状况信息的“系统的系统”。
The Aquasar cooling system USES water at temperatures of up to 140 degrees, and as a result consumes up to 40 percent less energy than a comparable air-cooled machine.
a quasar冷却系统使用温度高达华氏140度的水,因此对于能源的需求比相同散热效率的风冷设备低了足足40%。