...值可以计算植物的可利用水量 全世界面临的缺水问题 水通量(water flux):单位时间内通过土壤截面的水量 水分平衡(water balance):个体、 群落或者生态系统在一定时段内水分收入量和支出量相等 3.3 碳循环(carbon cycle): 碳在大气、陆地生命体和土壤有机质等几...
徐州医学院--国际麻醉学与复苏杂志投稿系统 关键词: 水通道蛋白;肺损伤;水平衡 [gap=795]Keywords: Aquaporins; Lung injury; Water balance
塔里木河干流河道水均衡模型研究_stmopen 关键词】: 塔里木河 干流 水均衡 漫溢 [gap=856]Keywords】: Tarim River,mainstream,water balance model,overflow
soil water balance 土壤水分均衡 ; 土壤水分平衡
soil-water balance 土壤水份平衡
heat-water balance [气候] 热水平衡
CLEANSING WATER BALANCE 柔和卸妆洁肤水 ; 柔以及卸妆洁肤水
lake water balance 湖泊水量平衡
The Shapotou, as a sign of Chinese desert science, has gone across a 50-year history in the scientific scope of water balance.
中国沙漠科学以沙坡头为标志在水平衡研究领域走过了 50 a的历程。
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区The forest evapotranspiration is an important component not only in water balance, but also in energy balance.
参考来源 - 森林蒸散模型与模拟研究This paper analyzed the precipitation, soil moisture dynamic, soil water balance and the major affected factors by using field survey and located observation.
参考来源 - 南小河沟流域林地土壤水分动态特征及水量平衡研究The study on the water balance of this area is the emphases and innovation in the thesis.
参考来源 - 内蒙河套灌区义长灌域耗水机制研究Chapter 4 is the water resources demand and supply in 2010 year and the water balance analyzed at present.
第四章 武汉市需水预测及现状年供需平衡分析。
参考来源 - 区域水资源优化配置模型及其应用研究Identify the reasons for the gap from the analysis of boiler efficiency , transportation network efficiency and the result of water balance.
参考来源 - 新疆医科大学供热系统能耗审计及节能改造·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Canopy interception is an important component in forest water balance.
Water balance drought flood index is used as the agricultural meteorological index of flood and humidity harm.
The water balance of landfill leachate is one of important problems in practical engineering of leachate recirculation treatment.