3.3.20 细水雾系统(Water Mist System) 连接到水源或水和雾化介质源的喷雾系统。系统安装有一个或多个能产生细水雾的喷 头,进行控制火灾、抑制火灾和灭火。
细水雾灭火系统 ( Water Mist System )是 2.2国内研究概况以水为介质,采用特殊喷头在特定的工作压力下 为了尽快缩短与世界先进水平的差距和满喷洒细水雾进行灭火或...
low-pressure water mist system 低压水雾系统
intermediate water mist system 中压水雾系统
high-pressure water mist system 高压水雾系统
fine water mist system 细水雾灭火系统
open water mist system 开式细水雾系统
pump supplying water mist system 泵组式细水雾系统
local application water mist system 局部应用细水雾系统
pressure water mist system 高压水雾系统
I still discusses the design of the fine water mist system.
The experiment includes the research of the outfire effect of water mist system, temperature sampling-and-treating of the fire field during the burning and extinguishing is also completed.
Researches indicate that the increase of the work pressure of fine water mist system can decrease particle size of water droplet of fine water mist and enhance the efficiency of fire-extinguishing.