water quality eutrophication assessment 水质富营养化评价
water quality eutrophication evaluation 水质富营养化评价
water quality eutrophication of lakes 湖泊水质富营养化
water quality and eutrophication 水质和营营养化
eutrophication water quality 富营养化水质
In contrast to the other main methods,the satisfied result is gotten. The method is proved to be a kind of convenient and practical water quality eutrophication assessment method.
参考来源 - 集对分析在巢湖水质富营养化评价中的应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
A new model for assessment of water quality eutrophication of lakes was established by using matter element analysis theory.
Eutrophication of water quality of raw water results in algae multiply greatly, affects usual water treatment.
The water quality of the Pearl estuary was assessed with the method and the results indicated the quality was roughly satisfactory, reaching medium eutrophication level.