所需用品: - 水彩画板( Watercolor set) - 调色板(Palette) - 水彩笔刷(教程中的是#0,#10和#20) - 水彩纸 - 树叶(多几种可以仔细的观察) 手绘过程:
Scarlett Christmas Watercolor Set 斯嘉丽圣诞节水彩画集
Watercolor brushes Set 水彩绘画效果笔刷
Watercolor Foliage set 异国风情水彩热带树叶数字图像
Spring Watercolor Clipart Set 春天主题水彩剪贴画合集
Watercolor Ombre Paper set 深浅条纹水彩纸张纹理
Pretty Cactus Watercolor Clipart Set 仙人掌水彩剪贴画
Camille- Watercolor Clip Art Set 卡米尔水彩花卉素材
Watercolors "watch", "the WORLD", "Spring Dance" into the series Art tide - famous works of Chinese watercolor set.
Now decrease the opacity of the watercolor layer to about 70% and set its blend mode to Overlay.
Nicely composed and finely detailed ink-and-watercolor illustrations cover a large part of each spread, leaving creamy spaces against which the text is set.