wave packet [物] 波包 ; 射频脉冲
gauss wave packet 高斯波包
Atomic wave packet 原子波包
wave packet energy 波包能量
quantum wave packet 量子波包
Gravity-wave packet 重力波波包
Rydberg wave packet 里德堡波包
wave-packet duration 波包宽度
以上来源于: WordNet
As the optical precursor and main wave packet traveled through a second group of rubidium atoms, the scientists took measurements on the speed of the two photon components.
We are sure that the main wave packet cannot travel faster than the precursor, which travels at c.
"One of the ways that we encode digital information is by its phase," Huntington said, "so what we've done is created a wave packet that's simultaneously a one and a zero in its phase."