Weapon System [军] 武器系统 ; 作战系统
Close-In-Weapon System 近程防御武器系统 ; 近程武器系统 ; 近程防御
Sniper Weapon System 狙击武器系统
OWSOverhead Weapon System 遥控炮塔
airborne weapon system 航空武器系统 ; 机载武器系统
Laser Weapon System 激光武器系统 ; 海军的激光武器系统
weapon system evaluation 武器系统之评估
weapon system storage 武器系统储存
Area Denial Weapon System 地区防御武器系统 ; 武器系统
When the activation tests are complete, ground firings of the laser will occur, followed by flight tests of the entire ABL weapon system.
The crew consists of a pilot and weapon system operator.
The British vehicles are the first customers for the new weapon system.