“露天甲板”(weather deck) 指暴露于天气中或暴露于海的最高一层连续甲板,而阶梯形甲板就此目的而言即视作由甲板的最低线以及与甲板较高部分平行的该线的延...
Weather Deck wording alignement 某些程序名调整
weather deck hatch cover 露天甲板舱口盖
Weather deck coatings epoxy 环氧基树脂甲板防雨膜
Weather deck coatings oleoresinous 油性树脂露天甲板面
Weather deck coatings vinyl 乙烯基防雨甲板膜
Weather deck coatings chlorinated rubber 氯化橡胶露天甲板面
weather deck edge 露天甲板边缘
weather tight deck 风雨密甲板
同义词: shelter deck
以上来源于: WordNet
The current applications for weather deck de-icing usually consume much electric power. And sometimes we still have to ask some human force for help.
In the event of inclement weather, the game will be played below the flight deck, presumably in front of some much smaller crowd.
It should be assured that all movable goods on deck should be fastened when navigating in a sea with boisterous weather.