web log 网站日志 ; 网络日志 ; 博客
web-log web文件
web log file Web日志文件
web log preprocessing web日志预处理
ExactTrend Web Log Explorer 服务器日志分析软件 ; 服务器日志分析
web log transaction web日志事务
Web Log Explorer 网站日志分析工具
OLAP on Web Log Databases 日志库联机处理
web log sql 攻击
“Bits of eight” shrank to become byte, “modulate/demodulate” became modem, “picture cell” became pixel, and of course “web log” became blog.
A blog is a Web log, where an individual or a team can post all information relevant to a topic.
Another approach to serving the Web log is to use a dynamic page to generate the most recent hits each time they are requested.