问题与适用规定 线上经营的企业另外必须遵循欧盟近期所制订关于使用 Cookie、「网页虫 (Web Bug)以及其他同类装置的隐私权规定。Cookie 就是当网际网路使用者存取和使用特 定网站时,放置于该网页浏览器的小型文字档案。
This technique is also referred to as a "Web beacon", "Web bug", or other similar names.
此项技术也称作“Web beacon”、“Web bug”或其他类似的名称。
We go online to buy something and a "Web bug," a software program that monitors our purchases, develops a profile of our buying habits that is sold to businesses.
Perhaps the inability to “control” a page is a limitation, a bug of the web. When we come from the WYSIWYG world, our initial instinct is to think so.
不能控制网页看似一种局限,或缺陷,而来自 WYSIWYG 世界的我们初期都有这种想法,我承认最初我也这样想。