网页电邮用户端 (Web Email Client) - SquirrelMail 巨集工具 (Macro Tool) - AutoHotkey 萤幕录影 (Screen Record) - CamStudio ..
Domino Web access provides users who access Notes mail accounts through a browser with most of the functionality of the Notes email client.
Domino Web Access为通过浏览器访问Notes邮件帐户的用户提供了Notes电子邮件客户端的大多数功能。
Depending on your email infrastructure, this function may allow you to receive notifications in your email client, on mobile devices, or using a web browser.
A Web 2.0 email client might use Ajax to download the user's address book for autocompletion.
Web 2.0电子邮件客户端可能使用Ajax下载autocompletion的用户的通讯簿。