服务组合(Web Service Composition),似的,由于Services层组合服务和Web服务着重重用性,所以不可能将服务作的很复杂.所以无法胜任对复杂的业务逻辑描述.
Trust Web Service Composition Model-TWSCM 组合模型
Dynamic Web Service Composition 动态服务组合
Adaptive web service composition 自适应网络服务组合
Automated Web service composition 自动Web服务合成
Geospatial Web Service Composition 空间服务组合
Web Service Composition Reconfiguration Web服务组合重配置
Web service automatic composition Web服务自动集成
Geo-spatial Web Service dynamic Composition 空间信息服务动态聚合
A compatibility model with judgement rules for dynamic web service composition.
Finally, a Web service composition platform applied in logistic area was designed and implemented to show the feasibility and effectiveness of the methods above.
Web service composition can be divided into two classes, narndy centralized architecture and decentralized architecture, by the location of the Web services composition engine.