... GRAND CANYON SUITE CLOUDBURST 大峡谷 WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance 产品信息 blast cleaning cloudburst process 喷丸清理 ...
WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance firmware version 2.0 introduces many new features and capabilities.
WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance固件版本2.0引入了很多新特性和功能。
The cloud is where the deployed WebSphere applications run; they do not run on the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance.
云是已部署的 WebSphere applications 运行的位置;它们不会运行在 WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance 上。
IBM's new WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance helps you create, deploy, and manage WebSphere virtual systems within a private cloud.
IBM的新WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance帮助您在一个私有云中创建、部署和管理WebSphere虚拟系统。