周记教学与高校理工科实践教学相结合的应用研究—《电脑知识与技术》—2010年第5期—龙源期刊网 关键词:周记;实践;自主性 [gap=805]Key words: Weekly journal; practice; autonomy
New York Weekly Journal 纽约新闻周报 ; 纽约周报 ; 纽约周刊
International weekly journal 国际周刊
the textile review weekly journal 纺织染月刊
the terxile review weekly journal 染织纺周刊
weekly or monthly journal 周刊 ; 月刊
weekly sisa journal detail 时事报社
weekly sisa journal 时事报社
The trial involved, publisher of the New York Weekly Journal.
Yet he had just vowed not to commit himself to another serial novel, having convinced himself that he could earn as much for less work by becoming editor of a new weekly journal.
A 1735 issue of the New York Weekly Journal devoted two pages to a reader's letter about the Chinese people's reverence for Confucius and several quotes from the ancient sage.