... furnace n.暖气 mundane adj. 圣约翰-雅思6分通过率最高的专业机构 7月26日,8月2日/9日 暑期全新循环滚动开课! whales on the beach n.不呆在该呆的位置上 ...
whales s on the beach 不呆在该呆的位置上
The new policy was announced last year as more than 70 long-finned pilot whales died after beaching themselves on a remote south-west Australian beach.
去年,在偏远的澳洲西北海岸,有70多头长鳍领航鲸搁浅死亡。 这一事件发生以后,相关组织公布了安乐死的新政策。
Richard Ellis writes about whales, takes pictures of whales in the open sea, and sketches whales stranded on the beach.
Environmentalists are trying to establish what caused the 33 pilot whales to perish on the County Donegal beach.