If it is true that the only paradises are those we have lost, I will know what name to give the tender and inhuman something that dwells in me today.
据说只有失去的才是乐园。 如果真是如此,我就知道怎样称呼今天停驻在我心中的、那温柔而不近人情的事物了。
And if that message is true, who will do something about it? What is being done to change the tide?
You can figure Milton asking in this poem Lycidas if it's true: is it true what the Elder Brother said, ? that virtue is always rewarded and evil punished?
And what de Broglie said is well, if it's true that light, which has a wavelength can have momentum, then it must also be true that matter, which has momentum, also has a wavelength.