...球(Wheelchair Rugby)—也称轮椅力量标签橄榄球(Wheelchair Power Tag Rugby)或轮椅联盟式橄榄球(Wheelchair Rugby League) 二,联盟式橄榄球原先是15人比赛,传入澳大利亚后变为13人制橄榄球,流行于新南威尔士州和昆士兰州 三,今年在澳大利亚举办的...
abstract:Wheelchair rugby league is a wheelchair-based version of rugby league football. It was developed by French rugby league player, coach and official, Robert Fassolette and Wally Salvan in 2004.
Next up in limited release is the winner of this year's Documentary Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival, "Murderball, " which focuses on a highly competitive rugbyleague whose players are wheelchair-bound quadriplegics.