Yesterday, the bare hillsides, has become the Garden, became the orchard, it has become a best place to relax and entertain. When the spring season, pear, peach bloom, leafy greens, and peach, pear each other against the background, it is a constant stream to watch the beautiful scenery; fall in droves to pick, in the merry way to sing. Yesterday, the denuded hillsides now become a "treasure bowl", which are plants that and exotica tree, precious medicinal herbs. Known as the "natural oxygen bar" in Long shelf Hill Park, attracting countless visitors.
In the spring, a season when we are learning new rhythms of life, many of us find comfort in the natural world.
I was still something of a fan of the show all throughout its fall season arch - but when it returned this spring I found myself less and less impressed with it, and especially with its young leads.
As for those who DID win: I was a believer in Glee very early on - as far back as when Fox aired the pilot at the end of the 2009 spring season.