...点 » I am also very good, but the FEMSA Hennadiy Udovenko relatively much worse 当我们用心读一本书 » When we read a book 他们的飞机明天什么时候飞往纽约? » when their aircraft flew to New York tomorrow?
"Research has found that when we are with a group of our 'real' friends, we shift our behavior to be more like them. We now know that this occurs when we read a book, as well," Young adds.
We share the same quirks: We always need to have something in hand to read a magazine, book or even a brochure or catalog and get stressed out when we go without, especially on planes or trains.
We read a book with the purpose to obtain knowledge, taking some notes or making some marks on the book protrudes the key point, so next time when we open the book, we find the remarkable thing.