... 水电主管工程师 » Utilities engineer 因为那里的人很少 » Where very few people 锅仔金针菇肥牛 » Stewed beef mushroom ...
In Europe, where very few people brushed their teeth, it was found that wild boar hairs were too stiff and made the gums bleed, so horse hair, which was softer, was used instead.
Auctions are also happening in Lagos, where oil and banking have made a few very rich, though most people still live in grinding poverty.
If hundreds of people were living in the great houses, then there would have to be many fireplaces, where each family did its daily cooking, but there are very few fireplaces.
如果真有数百人居住与此,那么一定有很多灶火坑以便每家都可以用来做饭。 但事实上巨屋里只有很少很少的灶火坑。