涡状星系 (Whirlpool Galaxy)是个很经典的旋涡星系。距离我们只有3千万光年远,大小约6万光年、亦名为NGC5194的M51,是夜空中最明亮且最上相的星系之一。
图2:图为螺旋星系M51(又名惠而浦星系(Whirlpool Galaxy))和它右侧的伴星系 图3:图中的天体看上去如同神话故事中的带翼生物,而实际上,它是一个名为“鹰状星云”的恒星孵化场中的柱状...
The Whirlpool Galaxy 涡状星系
Explanation: One of the brightest supernovas in recent years has just been recorded in the nearby Whirlpool galaxy (M51).
解说: 近年来最明亮的超新星之一出现在了临近的旋涡星系(M51)中。
The Whirlpool galaxy (M51) by Ken Mackintosh shows the Whirlpool galaxy slowly devouring its smaller neighbour. It won the Best Newcomer award.
肯恩·麦金托什(Ken Mackintosh)《涡状星系》——最佳新人奖(展现了涡状星系缓慢蚕食它的近邻)。
In the case of the Whirlpool Galaxy, above, you can see exactly where along its great spiral arms it's presently forming stars, just from this red glow of the hydrogen!